Company Profile

Die Firma Geissmann Papier AG wurde 1942 als Familienunternehmen gegründet. Die Aktiengesellschaft wird heute in der dritten Generation geführt und beschäftigt rund 60 Mitarbeiter. Zu den Angestellten zählen auch neun Auszubildende, welche im kaufmännischen Bereich, in der Logistik und im Flexodruck...

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3.2 ★

Employees (0)

Candidates (0)

Others (9)

5 stars2
4 stars4
3 stars0
2 stars0
1 star3

Translated from German

12 August 2021


Application process

This works well in the company

Know the company too little therefore I can not judge this is a matter for the employees.

This could be improved

Emailing applicants even if it's just for a rejection.

Translated from German

28 May 2019

Former employee

down-to-earth employer

This works well in the company

well documented processes and production flows. The company Geissmann Papier AG has many mainstays and enables a lot for the customers.

This could be improved

Communication can be improved. Basically, there are only the usual means of information such as mail (office) or bulletin board (production).

Translated from German

26 June 2020

Former employee

highly flexible company

This works well in the company

Geissmann Papier AG is a very down-to-earth company and has the processes etc. under control

This could be improved

Communication as in every company is a potential for improvement


Geissmann Papier AG

Güterstrasse 5
5605 Dottikon