Company Profile

You have unique experiences, skills and passions – and we believe you can bring them all to Microsoft for a rich, rewarding career and lifestyle that will surprise you with its breadth and potential. Just imagine the excitement and satisfaction of what you can do, where you can go, and the differenc...

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4.0 ★

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Translated from German

25 January 2018

Intransparent - no details to whom the application is sent. Also no confirmation, no feedback, no answer to questions, nothing! Not particularly. good for the image ....

Translated from German

29 January 2018

Great company! Modern workplaces and a super working culture (HomeOffice, international projects, working from everywhere)! Thumbs up!

Translated from German

29 January 2018

international environment, flexible working model, very challenging which suits me personally


Microsoft Schweiz GmbH

Richtistrasse 3
8304 Wallisellen


Apprenticeship Employer

Apprenticeship Employer