Company Profile

Alle reden von der Energiewende, wir setzen diese in die Tat um. Dazu brauchen wir hochmotivierte Mitarbeitende, die mit uns die sogenannte Extrameile gehen und unsere Kunden von den Vorteilen moderner Technologien überzeugen. Als Schweizer Unternehmen fokussieren wir uns ausschliesslich auf den he...

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2.6 ★

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Others (11)

5 stars4
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2 stars2
1 star5

Translated from German

11 December 2018

Former employee

service technician

A lot of things have gone wrong since the merger. Smaller team formations, not working together, but against each other. Inexperienced superiors. Empty promises. Too large and different product ranges. Difficult start for new employees. Insufficient internal training. Employees are not promoted. Hig...

Translated from German

26 October 2018

Current employee

Lack of communication, empty promises

- Employers demand more and more - you get stalled - empty promises - the same rules do not apply to all employees (certain employees are preferred)

Translated from German

04 February 2019

Former employee

Once and that was it!

This works well in the company

Everything was better before the merger. By adjusting the wage system, disadvantage for the field service. You can either sign or you have to go. Many have gone to different places after more than 15 YEARS! Very sad, you don't care about the working climate. Just sad and pitiful.

This could be improved

The management team has to listen to what the end customers think of us and where there is a need for improvement.


Meier Tobler AG

Feldstrasse 11
6244 Nebikon