Company Profile

Elektroautos machen Spass – besonders, wenn man sie mit Highspeed laden kann. Deshalb arbeiten wir von GOFAST intensiv am Auf- und Ausbau des schweizweiten Netzes von Schnellladestationen, um Autofahrern die mobile Freiheit elektrisch und nachhaltig zu ermöglichen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, su...

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2.0 ★

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Translated from German

04 April 2024



This works well in the company

The idea is actually good, as is the location. You just have to be the "type" for this kind of company.

This could be improved

You realize that there is no real HR. Even if there is a "support" person from the HR world, there is simply a lack of "know-how" in the area of operational management. CFO acts like CEO....



Wiesenstrasse 10A
8952 Schlieren