Popular professions in Ticino


63 salary entries

CHF 165 000

Account Manager

45 salary entries

CHF 77 500

Executive Assistant

30 salary entries

CHF 71 750

Commercial Manager

23 salary entries

CHF 63 290


23 salary entries

CHF 50 000

Project Management Officer

20 salary entries

CHF 89 850

Head of Sales

19 salary entries

CHF 155 000

Administrative Assistant

18 salary entries

CHF 65 000


18 salary entries

CHF 71 662


17 salary entries

CHF 52 000

More salaries nearby



10 362 salaries



7 331 salaries



997 salaries

What is the average wage in Ticino?

The Italian-speaking part of Switzerland is also very interesting to find a job there. The median annual salary in the canton of Ticino is 74 943 and therefore higher than in many smaller cantons in the rest of Switzerland. We have calculated this value with the salary check on jobs.ch, taking into account a total number of 1 688 wage entries. Lugano is one of the most important financial centres in Switzerland alongside Zurich and Geneva. Other cities with many jobs in Ticino are the capital Bellinzona, the tourist region Ascona-Locarno as well as Chiasso and Mendrisio.

What are the sectors with the highest wages in Ticino?

Some sectors in the Canton of Ticino stand out due to above-average wages. The sector Banking / Financial institutions pays the best wages in Ticino, followed by Public administration / Associations in 2nd place and Machine / System construction in third place. The costs of living and housing in this southern and Italian-speaking Swiss canton are much lower than in German or French-speaking Switzerland. Ticino is also a popular working region for cross-border commuters from Italy, as the country borders directly on the canton. In addition, Ticino is considered to be Switzerland's holiday canton with many lakes, plenty of sunshine and good weather as well as attractive leisure activities.