Discover employers

Slide 1 of 9
LGT Capital Partners AG

LGT Capital Partners AG

Banking / Financial institutions


27 jobs


Banking / Financial institutions


3800 employees

52 jobs
Augenarzt-Praxisgemeinschaft Gutblick AG

Augenarzt-Praxisgemeinschaft Gutblick AG

Health care / Social services


250 employees

28 jobs
Hamilton Services AG

Hamilton Services AG

Medical Technology


750 employees

10 jobs
Opacc Software AG

Opacc Software AG

Information technology / Telecom.


175 employees

6 jobs
Avobis Group AG

Avobis Group AG

Service sector in general


350 employees

1 job


Legal / Business advice


3300 employees

18 jobs
maxon motor ag

maxon motor ag

Industry various


1200 employees

9 jobs
Amstein + Walthert Holding AG

Amstein + Walthert Holding AG

Industry various


1003 employees

35 jobs

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Finding a job with the Swiss leader in online recruitment: is Switzerland's leading online job portal. Job seekers can consult thousands of new employment ads every day, save interesting job ads, and send their applications directly on the website and/or with the mobile app. assists job seekers in their job search, thanks to various services. Job seekers can register for free on and upload their CV to our CV database. Thanks to the profile, candidates can apply faster for vacancies and make their profile visible in our CV database, so that they can be found and contacted by recruiters. Our free services for candidates include an application for iOS and Android so that job ads for all areas and sectors in Switzerland can be consulted anytime and anywhere; everything you need for job searches on the go. The Job Alert is a reliable delivery service for job ads: as soon as new vacancies are posted online on, candidates receive a personalized email based on their search criteria.

Company reviews on allow you to get insights about potential employers and the work atmosphere and application procedure in the companies. In order to organize and keep an overview of the job applications, jobs can be saved in “My jobs” and companies can be saved in “My companies”. The current application status can be changed for saved companies and notes can be added to ongoing applications. Once users find an interesting job ad and are invited to a job interview following a successful application, they can use the salary check of in order to receive detailed information about salaries and compare wages for salary negotiations.

Discover the online job platform is Switzerland's leading online job portal. is part of the company JobCloud AG, which runs the platform. JobCloud was founded in 2013, through the merger of AG and Jobup SA. JobCloud's portfolio not only includes the three regional market leaders and generalist platforms, and, but also the two executive platforms ALPHA.CH and The publishing companies Ringier and Tamedia both have a 50% share in JobCloud.