Company Profile

Wir glauben an Geschäftsprozesse als Basis für erfolgreiches unternehmerisches Handeln. Daher ist unsere Vision: 👉 Mit Prozessen in der DNA und Pioniergeist im Herzen treiben wir visionäre Projekte für eine digitale und lebenswerte Zukunft voran. 👈 Die Scheer Schweiz AG unterstützt als Ber...

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5.0 ★

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Translated from German

06 September 2021

Current employee

Fast application process and pleasant working atmosphere

This works well in the company

I became aware of the company and the advertised position through a co-worker. I was able to get a positive impression of the company in advance. This was confirmed in the application process, which took place very quickly. After a short time at the company, I was able to form my own opinion. There...

This could be improved

Currently, there are no points that I have noticed in the company that I would want to improve.


Scheer Schweiz AG

Industriestrasse 50b
8304 Wallisellen