Company Profile

Du bist auf der Suche nach einem Job mit Impact? Mit Ampere Dynamic hast du die Chance Teil von etwas Grossartigem zu sein. Wir bieten unseren Kunden die Möglichkeit mit ihrem eigenen Solarkraftwerk schwarze Zahlen zu schreiben und so machen wir die Energie der Schweiz klimafreundlicher und sind akt...

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Translated from German

25 March 2024

Current employee

No leadership skills, poor working atmosphere

This works well in the company

Everything seemed promising at the beginning. Nice office and actually an exciting industry.

This could be improved

Actually a company with potential, especially with good people at the bottom of the hierarchy. But unfortunately there is a lack of leadership skills. Dealing with employees is sometimes very questionable and there is a lack of understanding of how to deal with people. The working atmosphere is gett...


Ampere Dynamic Schweiz GmbH

Giesshübelstrasse 40
8045 Zürich