Company Profile

Kern & Sammet wurde 1975 von unseren beiden Firmenpatrons gegründet. Seit über vier Jahrzehnten werden in Wädenswil tiefgekühlte Backwaren- und Konditorei-Créationen für Gastronomiekunden und gewerbliche Bäckereien in der ganzen Schweiz produziert. Wir haben uns zum Ziel gesetzt, den Tiefkühl-B...

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4.0 ★

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5 stars2
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Translated from German

02 November 2022

Current employee

Good team but poor leadership

This works well in the company

The cooperation between the departments is ok. HR undertakes various actions to motivate the employees.

This could be improved

Savings are made at every end and no investments are made. The future of the company seems uncertain. Various employees have left the company and some of the know-how has been lost. The management style of the top management is special and not particularly appreciative.

Translated from German

23 November 2022

HR responsible

Thank you for your feedback. We regret that you are dissatisfied with certain issues at your workplace. We would be happy to discuss your experiences in a personal meeting, so that we as an employer have the opportunity to consider appropriate measures and to continue to develop as a company. We wou...


Kern & Sammet AG

Seestrasse 26
8820 Wädenswil