Company Profile

Willkommen in Zermatt, dem malerischen Bergdorf am Fusse des weltberühmten Matterhorns. Der an Italien angrenzende Ferienort lockt jedes Jahr Gäste aus der ganzen Welt in die Schweizer Alpen. Denn mit 38 Viertausendern ist Zermatt ein Eldorado für Wintersportler und Aktivurlauber. Trotzdem hat sich...

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3.0 ★

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Others (2)

5 stars1
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1 star1

Translated from German

22 December 2019


Very unprofessional application process

This works well in the company

In my opinion the application process did not have anything good. He was unclear. Agreed feedback dates were not met, etc.

This could be improved

More respectful and friendly interaction with applicants. Provide promised information and documents. Flexibility in arranging appointments. Actions instead of big words. Keep to feedback deadlines. React/answer to email(s)!


Zermatt Tourismus

Bahnhofplatz 5
3920 Zermatt