Company Profile

Als Cateringunternehmen in der nationalen und internationalen Bahngastronomie mit rund 700 Mitarbeitenden verwöhnen wir unsere Gäste täglich im rollenden Restaurant mit einem sympathischen Service und Schweizer Spezialitäten. Das Leitbild von Elvetino besteht darin, die Gäste freundlich und kompe...



3.3 ★

Employees (0)

Candidates (0)

Others (7)

5 stars1
4 stars3
3 stars1
2 stars1
1 star1

Translated from German

28 August 2018

Current employee

Company changes positively

After difficult times in change for the better. New management, many new team leaders, open culture and room for manoeuvre.

Translated from German

21 August 2020

Former employee

Flexible working hours, a lot of free space

This works well in the company

Since the rapprochement with the parent company SBB, more benefits can be enjoyed. Flexible working time arrangements have clear advantages for the organisation of private life. 5 weeks of holidays per year and an early deployment schedule are also worthy of mention.

This could be improved

After an employee has left the company, appropriate exit interviews should be conducted by appropriately qualified persons. Career planning and professional qualification discussions should be conducted at all levels in order to show individual appreciation to the employees. Wage inequalities with...

Translated from German

25 April 2018

Current employee

Improvements are being implemented!

The currently mentioned improvements on the part of the employees are being incorporated and implemented. The company continues to develop! So I can only recommend it


Elvetino AG

Vulkanplatz 11
8048 Zürich