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3.0 ★

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Translated from French

11 September 2018

Former employee

To flee like the plague

Former production / maintenance manager + on-time QC + operator, I am well placed to say that we must flee this "company". Poverty wages (approx. 3000chf gross), sometimes paid 1 month late. Working conditions worthy of the last century (5°C in winter in the workshop, no heating, no security, etc.),...

Translated from French

22 August 2018

Former employee

Permanent harassment by the employer

Former laboratory technician in cq I was under the responsibility of the company's management. The climate was explosive with the director. Company to avoid when applying

Translated from French

10 September 2019

Current employee

A small company that listens to its employees

This works well in the company

Small company with a very good working atmosphere, competent staff and a serious, passionate and fair boss.

This could be improved

Due to the size of the company, continuous training is a point to be developed.


Merisana AG

Grand Rue 47
2607 Cortébert