Company Profile

Individualität ist unsere Stärke / Fashion unsere Leidenschaft / Wir lieben, was wir tun. modissa ist das führende Zürcher Modehaus für die anspruchsvolle Frau, die weiss, was sie will. Wir setzen auf hohe Qualität und eine professionelle Beratung mit überzeugender Kompetenz. modissa ist in der...

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2.3 ★

Employees (0)

Candidates (0)

Others (3)

5 stars1
4 stars0
3 stars0
2 stars0
1 star2

Translated from German

07 January 2021


To be more honest

This works well in the company

Unfortunately no good experience made. had 2 times interview had, and you meant yes we give you notice but is never happened!

This could be improved

Be honest with applicants, and don't get your hopes up and don't get in touch!

Translated from German

01 August 2020

Former employee

Good working atmosphere

This works well in the company

I was employed by Oliver for Man who was then part of Modissa.

This could be improved

Everything was right for me at that time. I was a saleswoman and then a manager.

Translated from German

21 November 2022


Too bad!

This works well in the company

Especially sweet but especially dishonest. Verbal commitment not kept - Bad.

This could be improved

Especially sweet but especially dishonest. Verbal commitment not kept - Bad.


Modissa AG

Grubenstrasse 35
8045 Zürich