Certificat CH16/0838

Lauener et Cie S.A.

  • Publication date:

    18 January 2024
  • Workload:

  • Contract type:

    Unlimited employment
  • Place of work:


Certificat CH16/0838

Certificat CH16/0838 ffi@W,#
Le systdme de management de
Lauener et Cie SA
Route de I'Europe 11
CH-2017 Boudry
(fp sG$
a 6t6 audit6 et certifi6 selon les exigences de
ISO 9001:2015
Pour les activit6s suivantes
Fabrication et assemblage de pidces destin6es aux Industries horlogdres, 6lectroniques, des t6l6communications, de l'appareillage et du m6dical
Ce certificat est valable du 3 mai 2022 au 2 mai
' '
Sa validit6 est garantie par des audits de surveillance annuels.
L:ag$,i!dq repertification doit avoir lieu 60 jours avant la date d'6ch6ance.
Version 4, Certifi6 deouis iuin 2016.
L'audit A I'origine de ce certificat a commenc6 le7 mars2022.
La validit6 du certilicat pr6c6dent 6tait jusqu'au 2 nai 2022.
Autoris6 par
D il,il,'^*
SGS Soci6t6 G6n6rale de Surveillance SA
Technoparkstrasse 1 8005 Zurich Switzerland
I +41 (0/44 445-16-80 f +41 (0)44 445-1 6-88 www.sgs.com
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Ce document est 6mis par la soci6te confomement a ses mndilions g€ndmles de
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- &o, scs
Certificate CH16/0838
The management system ol
Lauener et Cie SA
Route de I'Europe
CH-2017 Boudry
has been assessed and certilied as meeting the requirements of
ISO 9001:2015
For the following activities
Fabrication and assembly of metallic components intended for watch, electronic, telecommunication, instrumentation, and medical industries
This certificate is valid from 3 May 2022 until2May 2025 and remains valid subject to satisfactory surveillance audits,
Recertification audit due 60 days prior to expiry date. lssue 4. Certified since June 2016.
The audit leading to this certificate commenced on7 March2022.
Previous issue certificate validity date was until 2 May 2022.
Authorised by
SGS Soci6t6 G6n6rale de Surveillance SA
Technoparkstrasse 'l 8005 Zurich Switzerland t+41 (0)44 445-16-80 f +41 (0)44445-16-88 www.sgs.com
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This documenl is issued by the Company subjecl to its General Conditions of
Cedilicalion Seryices accessible at M.sgs.com/terms_and_condilions.htm. Aftention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnificalion and jurisdictional issues establshed herein. The authenticity oflhis document may be verified at http://M-sgs.mm/en/certilied-clients-and-products/certilied-clienfdirectory.
Any unaulhorized alteration, forgery or falsificalion of the conlent or appearance oflhis document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted lo he fulest extentofhe law.