Popular professions in Solothurn


446 salary entries

CHF 65 000


397 salary entries

CHF 61 000

Commercial Manager

384 salary entries

CHF 64 772

Project Leader

260 salary entries

CHF 94 950

Team Leader

251 salary entries

CHF 84 000


201 salary entries

CHF 67 600

Truck Driver

196 salary entries

CHF 64 750

Order Picker

183 salary entries

CHF 59 000


158 salary entries

CHF 78 070

Health Care Professional

155 salary entries

CHF 61 750

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2 806 salaries

What is the average wage in the Canton of Solothurn?

Are you interested in jobs and wages in the Canton of Solothurn? The median annual salary in the Canton of Solothurn is CHF 74 915 and is therefore in the upper half of the scale in Switzerland. This information is based on 14 428 users on jobs.ch who have entered their wages there. In addition to the main town of Solothurn, other places such as Grenchen, Olten or Dornach are particularly interesting for job searches.

Which sectors pay best in the Canton of Solothurn?

There are jobs in the Canton of Solothurn in a wide variety of sectors. But you probably earn best in the sector Utilities, because the calculation of our jobs.ch salary check showed that the best median wage in the Canton of Solothurn is paid here. The Education sector comes second, followed by the Medical Technology sector. The cost of living is roughly equivalent to the Swiss average. France and cities like Zurich and Bern can be reached in about half an hour.