Postdoctoral researcher in art history 95-100%

Etat du canton de Fribourg

  • Veröffentlicht:

    13 Mai 2024
  • Pensum:

    95 – 100%
  • Vertrag:

  • Arbeitsort:


Postdoctoral researcher in art history 95-100%

Postdoctoral researcher in art history



Ort / Bezirk: 

Fribourg, CH, Saane, CH



Datum des Stellenantritts: 

01.09.2024 oder nach Vereinbarung


Befristeter Vertrag


Unifr-4726 Departement für Musikwissenschaft

Anstellungsbehörde / Dienststelle / Anstalt

Die Universität Freiburg ist Bildungsstätte, Forschungsplatz, Arbeitgeberin und Event-Veranstalterin in einem. Ihre Innovationskraft macht sie zu einem wichtigen Motor für das wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Leben der Region. Als Anziehungspunkt für Studierende und Forschende aus der gesamten Schweiz und aus allen Teilen der Welt prägt die Hochschule seit ihrer Gründung 1889 das Leben der zweisprachigen Stadt Freiburg.


The successful Postdoctoral researcher will conduct research within the Starting Grant project ‘The musical world of fairgrounds in Switzerland, 19th-21st c.’ funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and headed by Prof. Anna Stoll Knecht (PI).

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Ihre Aufgaben


  • The Postdoctoral researcher with expertise in art history (2-year fixed-term contract), with a specialization in decorative or popular arts, will work on fairground arts in Switzerland, including the decorative aspect of musical instruments. It is expected that the Postdoctoral researcher will deliver several conference papers during the two years of the position, as well as 2 publications

  • The Postdoctoral researcher will participate in regular research meetings at the University of Fribourg


Gewünschtes Profil

  • PhD in art history or related field

  • Research experience in decorative or popular arts

  • Strong interest for the world of fairgrounds and for contributing to the development of the field of research in fairground arts

  • Organizational skills, ability to participate in administrative tasks in the framework of the project (organization of study days, workshops, colloquia)

  • For the duration of the contract, the Postdoctoral researcher must be resident in Fribourg or another place in Switzerland; weekly presence at the Department is expected

  • Proficiency in English and in German


  • Applications should be in English or in French and include a motivation letter, CV, degree certificate, contact detail of two references, and a sample writing (in English or French)

Angaben der Kontaktpersonen

Prof. Anna Stoll-Knecht, E-Mail schreiben

Datum der Stellenausschreibung: 

