Company Profile

Elis ist ein internationales Unternehmen, das Textil-, Hygiene- und Gebäudedienstleistungen anbietet. Wir sind in Europa und Lateinamerika vertreten. In der Schweiz sind wir Marktführer. Mit 950 Mitarbeitenden und 15 Produktions- und Logistikstandorten arbeiten wir für öffentliche und private Untern...



3.2 ★

Employees (0)

Candidates (0)

Others (5)

5 stars2
4 stars1
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2 stars0
1 star2

Translated from German

06 October 2023

Former employee

High turnover rate in the HR department

This works well in the company

It has a canteen in the house, where you can eat at fair prices.

This could be improved

There is a bad working atmosphere, as the entire HR team was replaced within a year. Most of the HR employees have already left Elis, even though the HR tasks are very interesting.

Translated from German

14 March 2020

Former employee

All very fast.

This works well in the company

Well, as an employee you have to give everything. Working hours could be better.

This could be improved nice. Many foreigners.

Translated from German

14 December 2017

It's a pleasant working environment.


Elis (Suisse) AG

Murtenstrasse 149
3008 Bern