Company Profile

Bei uns dreht sich seit über 90 Jahren alles um erneuerbare Energie. In mehreren Etappen entstand eine imposante Anlage aus acht Speicherseen und dreizehn Kraftwerken. Heute decken wir mit Wasserkraft den Strombedarf für eine Million Menschen. Spannung - Ihre Tätigkeit Ob Sie in unseren Kraftwe...

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2.0 ★

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Translated from German

13 August 2019


Wants to become modern with outdated structures.

This works well in the company

Response time to the application was very fast. Basically, good questions were asked during the discussion.

This could be improved

The description of the company was too short in the interview. My questions were answered only sparsely and partially flapsig. No feedback was given on the interview during the telephone conversation after a few days. However, the big shortcoming is likely to be the outdated structures. To become m...



Grimselstrasse 19
3862 Innertkirchen