Company Profile

Die Job Partner AG ist ein international tätiges Unternehmen im Bereich Personaldienstleistung mit funktionierendem Netzwerk. Mit großem Erfolg fungieren wir gerne als Schnittstelle zwischen Angebot und Nachfrage auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Spezialisiert sind wir heute in den Bereichen Baugewerbe, Tech...

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4.7 ★

Employees (0)

Candidates (0)

Others (3)

5 stars2
4 stars1
3 stars0
2 stars0
1 star0

Translated from German

22 March 2018


Great job!

I can only recommend :) anytime again! Professional process, you always know what's going on and what the next step is.

Translated from German

01 July 2019

Current employee

Think and do

This works well in the company

Everything runs well if you are well paid and always have positive energy.

This could be improved

If something is then you should talk to each other not behind you then the problems will be solved

Translated from German

19 May 2022

Current employee


This works well in the company

Efficient, friendly, cool team. Do their best, are fair and work correctly.

This could be improved

Everything coherent that is relevant and everything else is a matter of taste. :)


Job Partner AG

Albulastrasse 57
8048 Zürich