Company Profile

Swissphone ist internationaler Marktführer für sichere und effiziente Alarmierungs- und Kommunikationslösungen – mit einer langen Tradition und herausragenden Ideen, um auch zukünftig am Innovationsrad zu drehen.

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2.5 ★

Employees (0)

Candidates (0)

Others (2)

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4 stars1
3 stars0
2 stars0
1 star1

Translated from German

20 February 2021


............. Enttäuschung

This works well in the company

The application process can be ruled out, it's not going well at all

This could be improved

It should also be taken the time for a rejection. Applicants are simply ignored and get no answer. Professional behavior one imagines otherwise

Translated from German

28 July 2022



This works well in the company

Pleasant, friendly & transparent communication. Professional application process with a maximum of 2 rounds of interviews.

This could be improved

After the initial contact, a message is sent relatively quickly that the line is viewing the dossiers. This review could be a bit faster.


Swissphone Wireless AG

Fälmisstrasse 21
8833 Samstagern