Company Profile

Keinen Helden, kein Supertalent, keinen Mitarbeiter des Monats, sondern einen Mitarbeiter des Jahres. Mit Kompetenz, Leidenschaft und Freude. Wenn Sie die Hotel- & Gastronomie-Welt erobern wollen, kommen Sie zu Candrian! Wir bieten für jedes Gastroherz und für Hotellerie Begeisterte einen abwechs...



3.2 ★

Employees (0)

Candidates (0)

Others (25)

5 stars9
4 stars4
3 stars2
2 stars3
1 star7

Translated from German

21 December 2020


Better job description, time is money

This works well in the company

Nothing, although one point is worth mentioning, an apprentice told me during the break that I shouldn't start here, because they pay very badly. Most of them were nice. Still, they could have given me my tip, must have made over 100.- over lunch. I didn't get 5 centimes,

This could be improved

I know my strengths and of course know a lot about the restaurant business, as I have never changed industries since I was an apprentice. The staff has little idea, but the locations are top, so they did not lack guests. I was one of a few who spoke perfect German. Now I know why. The pay is sub par...

Translated from German

18 February 2020

Former employee

Unfortunately it was a pure falcon

This works well in the company

The cohesion with team colleagues and the support of colleagues.

This could be improved

In the disrespectful interaction of superiors, Expectations of the management and the daily processes.

Translated from German

24 October 2017

I can only say good things. Since 7 years in the company and the recognition has always been there. The best employer so far



Bahnhofplatz 15
8021 Zürich


Apprenticeship Employer

Apprenticeship Employer