Company Profile

avita spitex steht für eine sehr persönliche, einfühlsame, respektvolle und auf die individuelle Situation abgestimmte erstklassige Pflege und Betreuung zu Hause. Vor 13 Jahren gegründete Aneta Vujic – Dipl. Pflegefachfrau HöFa Onkologie mit viel Erfahrung in der Palliativversorgung – avita spitex,...

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Translated from German

07 July 2020

Former employee

Working climate

This works well in the company

In this company there is not really much to say that it is doing well.

This could be improved

There is no clear framework, everyone does what and how they want. There is no leadership style. Everyone is gossiped about, even at the customers. GL also gossips about everyone at everyone, always telling a different story. GL takes no responsibility for their actions.


Avita Spitex

Zürichbergstrasse 29
8032 Zürich