Company Profile

Die Firma Twerenbold ist ein in der Schweiz führendes Reise- und Transportunternehmen. Mit den Firmen Twerenbold Reisen AG, Reisebüro Mittelthurgau Fluss- und Kreuzfahrten AG, Imbach Reisen AG und Vögele Reisen AG sind wir insbesondere im Reisebereich überaus erfolgreich tätig. Zudem gehört ein öV-B...

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Translated from German

11 July 2020

Current employee

Very familiar working atmosphere

This works well in the company

The company and the cohesion are great. It's like one big family and that's what makes it great. Twerenbold is a great, family and fair employer.

This could be improved

There would certainly be room for improvement in terms of wages and benefits. Both are, as is customary in the industry, rather at an average level. There are only limited career/promotional opportunities, perhaps more consideration could be given to existing employees who have completed further tra...


Twerenbold Service AG

Im Steiacher 1
5406 Baden-Rütihof