Company Profile

Wir pflegen eine einzigartige Arbeitsphilosophie. Mitsprache, Beteiligung, jährliche demokratische Wahl der Geschäftsleitung, agiles Rollenmodell, Teamarbeit... Mehr dazu hier:



5.0 ★

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Candidates (0)

Others (1)

5 stars1
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Translated from German

14 July 2021

Current employee

FINA is simply unique and I can recommend it to everyone.

This works well in the company

The interaction with the employees, the atmosphere in the team, varied and exciting work, flexible working hours, trust from the superiors from day one.

This could be improved

FINA is always evolving. Suggestions for improvement can always be made, so there is nothing to complain about so far.


Arbeiten als Finanzplaner bei FINA


Fina Finanzplanung

Gerechtigkeitsgasse 52
3011 Bern