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Translated from German

27 January 2023

Former employee

Good idea but grotenschlechte implementation of an idea

This works well in the company

Employees help each other a lot because otherwise they can never get all the work done. A lot of overtime needed to get around. The staff canteen is very good, but this is no merit of Rückenwind. The employees of Rückenwind use the canteen of the Pfauen retirement and nursing home.

This could be improved

It is essential to implement the employer's duty of care. Employees regularly perform too much and suffer from their health. Thanks to this, employees are not treated fairly and are threatened a lot. Replace the leadership and management at all levels with capable and knowledgeable people. It is the...


Kilian Ziegler sucht Pflegepersonal für Rückenwind plus
Kilian Ziegler zu Gast bei Rückenwind plus in Bad Zurzach


Rückenwind plus AG

Quellenstrasse 5
5330 Bad Zurzach