Company Profile

Das UniversitätsSpital Zürich ist eines der grössten Spitäler in der Schweiz. Unsere über 8000 Mitarbeitenden setzen sich täglich für das Wohl unserer Patienten ein. Mehr als 42000 stationäre Patientinnen und Patienten und rund 600000 ambulante Konsultationen pro Jahr zeugen von dem grossen Vertraue...




Employees (0)

Candidates (0)

Others (16)

5 stars5
4 stars1
3 stars1
2 stars0
1 star9

Translated from German

29 April 2019

Former employee

Old-fashioned, hierarchical company

This works well in the company

The career opportunities exist, but they are very dependent on the superiors.

This could be improved

The hospital is largely ancient. There is too much unhealthy hierarchy.

Translated from German

14 July 2021

Former employee

Lack of appreciation.

This works well in the company

After working at USZ for so long, no one is able or has bothered to say thank you for my years of service to USZ. This all says a lot about the appreciation of employees and the leadership in this company.

This could be improved

You should change whole leadership culture. Lack of appreciation.

Translated from German

05 March 2019

Current employee

Training of superiors

This works well in the company

There are very good teams that support each other very well.

This could be improved

Fear is stirred up among older employee superiors should recognize this and lead the team accordingly. If necessary, stand behind the older employees.


Universitätsspital Zürich

Rämistrasse 100
8091 Zürich