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Translated from German

27 May 2022

Former employee

Snooty boss - I only say Bologna Process

This works well in the company

No language skills in French No sales experience in automotive sales. Are initially very nice. Afterwards with the employees as well as the clientele opposite only one resource

This could be improved

Boss is too young and too inexperienced. Prioritizes the vehicles and not the customer who is willing to buy. Employees are lured with false promises. Main salesman and once, only salesman. Then second and third salesman hired. Main salesman did not exist any more. Salesmen knew nothing about each...

Translated from German

01 December 2022

Former employee

Good development opportunities and further connections promoted

This works well in the company

I had a good time and don't want to miss it. Let's see, maybe I'll come back again. The company is structured and the bosses have a clear division. You could feel the new wind, which a young boss brings with him. It's cool.

This could be improved

Unfortunately, a team event, which there is regularly not vegetarian. However, I was offered an alternative and this was also eigendlich not bad. but still today you should always have vegetarian and in the best case vegan alternatives...