Company Profile

Deine kreative Online Marketing Agentur Wir verbinden Strategie, Inhalt und Design und schaffen Kundenerlebnisse, die begeistern. Express Design bietet dir zielführende Lösungen aus einer Hand: vom Branding und digitalem Marketing über individuelle Designs im grafischen Bereich bis hin zur Entwi...

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Translated from German

30 January 2023

Former employee

Modern corporate culture and a great team

This works well in the company

Communication at eye level, pleasant working atmosphere and great team cohesion. Modern office space, flexible working hours and many opportunities for self-realization.

This could be improved

There is always potential for improvement, which is why processes and procedures are continuously analyzed and optimized. Management always has an open ear for new ideas and suggestions for improvement.


Express Design GmbH

Zelglistrasse 10
3608 Thun