Company Profile

Als IT-Dienstleister bietet Ihnen die it2day AG ein umfassendes Produkt- und Dienstleistungsangebot. Für unsere zufriedenen Kunden haben wir uns auf die Bereiche IP-Telefonie und Unififed Communications (UC) spezialisiert und arbeiten seit über 20 Jahren erfolgreich mit unseren Partnern zusammen. Di...

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16 April 2024

Former employee

Very poor working atmosphere

This works well in the company

In my experience, which I unfortunately had to make with this employer, I cannot make a positive statement. Unfortunately, I have only experienced NEGATIVES.

This could be improved

The worst experience of my career so far. I can't mention here what I had to experience there, it was really "dirty" the way I was treated. A lot of mistakes were made. To protect the customers, I informed the management of this. At noon I received the termination via WhatsApp! I have now foun...


it2day AG

Industriestrasse 13
2543 Lengnau