

4.0 ★

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Translated from German

23 October 2018


warehouse employee

As a truck driver I had to unload in different warehouses last 10 years and load different goods myself.

Translated from German

03 December 2019

Current employee

Super working climate, perfect familiarisation and flexibility

This works well in the company

The training of the new employees is very important. It is also very thorough and cross-divisional. Thus it enables one to have an insight into almost all areas of the company and results in an overall picture that is very important to me and equally appreciated.

This could be improved

I can't judge that enough yet. In my area a lot of things will change, so I can't use what I know so far as criticism, but actively help to change. So I am totally happy to work in such a professional company that gives me the chance to grow with the company.

Translated from German

05 March 2021

Former employee

Nice but stingy

This works well in the company

Nice work colleagues who always support you and you can exchange ideas and experiences

This could be improved

Wages always remain the same, unless you justify on two A4 pages why you have earned one. Competition ban also for normal Sachebarbeiter in salesin indoor service, only so that to another company with better working conditions can switch. Communication... One is usually not or only poorly informed...