Company Profile

Die Aebi Schmidt Group ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von intelligenten Lösungen zur Bewirtschaftung von sicherheits- sowie betriebsrelevanten Verkehrsflächen und anspruchsvollem Gelände. Sie beschäftigt rund 3'000 Mitarbeitende in 17 Verkaufsorganisationen und mehr als einem Dutzend Werken wel...

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Employees (0)

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Others (6)

5 stars4
4 stars0
3 stars0
2 stars0
1 star2

Translated from German

02 May 2018

Former employee

Not very advanced

Conditions of employment from the Middle Ages Resistant to change protegierte MA.

Translated from German

04 November 2022

HR responsible

Dear:r former:r employee:in We are very interested in what you found outdated about our employment conditions. We have listed them here for you: I invite you to talk to us, we are always interested in how we can improve. Feel f...

Translated from German

09 April 2018

Current employee

Great family climate

It's great and fun to work at Aebi. I would reapply.

Translated from German

25 June 2021

Current employee

Not recommended!

This works well in the company

Not really much at the moment. Honestly, I can't find anything there.

This could be improved

Take more care of the employees. Hire managers with real leadership experience. Control less the employees! Listen to the employees! Trust the employees.


Aebi Schmidt Group - Join us!


Aebi & Co. AG

Buchmattstrasse 56
3401 Burgdorf