Company Profile

Die Leuchter IT Solutions Gruppe ist ein Unternehmen der Technologiebranche mit der Spezialisierung auf IT-Infrastrukturlösungen, IT-Services, Business Software und Software Entwicklung mit rund 90 Mitarbeitenden am Standort Luzern. Kontinuität, Zuverlässigkeit und Berechenbarkeit gehören seit 1959...

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4.0 ★

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Others (2)

5 stars1
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Translated from German

16 October 2018

Former employee

very efficient management

cool teammates. Poor leading. Even "passion" won't help. Unfortunately, teammates are interchangeable at any time...

Translated from German

21 November 2018

HR responsible

Hoi Du Thanks for your review and feedback. You're right, we are mighty proud of our cool employees. :-) I'm sorry you felt that way about the leadership. Write me a message at so that we can learn something from your input. I look forward to hearing from you and mayb...

Translated from German

08 February 2018

Cool company in the new town of Lucerne. Please feel free to give us information on vacancies by telephone. Very uncomplicated and transparent.



Winkelriedstrasse 45
6003 Luzern


Apprenticeship Employer

Apprenticeship Employer