Company Profile

Die Galliker Transport AG ist ein Schweizer Transport- und Logistikunternehmen mit Sitz in Altishofen, Luzern. Die drei wichtigsten Geschäftsbereiche der Firma sind Auto-, Essens- und Cargologistik. 1918 gegründet, ist Galliker heute noch ein reines Familienunternehmen. Die Firma besitzt rund 20 Nie...

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Others (11)

5 stars3
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1 star7

Translated from German

26 March 2018

Current employee

Great disappointment

Positive: Long holidays are no problem Overtime payable Possibility to go to the doctor during work or other appointment (of course hours are deducted) negative Weak wage Very weak wage increase Many overtime hours A lot of non-German speaking staff 50h week is considered normal Breaks are deducted...

Translated from German

14 July 2018

Current employee

Long working hours, little free time

Long working hours are standard in this company. This time is only counted as overtime if you work longer than 30 minutes. If you work less than 30 minutes longer, you work for free! Company not to be recommended...

Translated from German

19 March 2018

Former employee

No perspective

Many promise that will not be kept. Long working hours. 0 flexibility in working hours, overtime reduction.


Galliker Transport AG

Kantonsstr. 2
6246 Altishofen