Company Profile

uniQservice is a Swiss ICT service organisation rendering its services throughout Switzerland. uniQservice takes care of installation, maintenance, and repair of ICT-Systems especially POS-Systems, like cash registers, scales and peripherals as well as network components. uniQservice operates since...

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Translated from German

14 October 2022

Current employee

A solid SME

This works well in the company

High level of autonomy / respect for older employees (who are also actively recruited) - anyone who wants to make a difference can do so. There is room to contribute and the hierarchies are relatively flat. People address each other as "Du" and there is an "Open Door". Open and direct communication...

This could be improved

I wish employees could identify better with the company and do less "Us and Them" thinking in their departments. However, one can well understand why this is so, because as an SME with a large field service department with technicians spread all over Switzerland, it is difficult to achieve the desi...

Translated from German

27 August 2019

Former employee

Good working atmosphere, interesting tasks

This works well in the company

Super working atmosphere: The atmosphere is collegial and friendly. Processes are clearly structured

This could be improved

Since there has recently been a change in leadership, it remains to be seen whether the promised changes will be made.


uniQservice ag

Grindelstrasse 9
8303 Bassersdorf