Company Profile

Media Markt ist in der Schweiz und europaweit die Nummer eins unter den Elektrofachmärkten. Möglich machen dies unsere Mitarbeitenden, welche Hand in Hand mit Enthusiasmus und Elan täglich den Erfolg des Unternehmens mitbestimmen. Unsere Teams ziehen schweizweit an einem Strang. Mit ihren Ideen u...

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Translated from German

16 November 2020

Former employee

G+ over all

This works well in the company

Employees stick together even when the going gets tough.

This could be improved

More appreciation with a thank you would be enough. But that was already too much to ask.

Translated from German

29 September 2020

Former employee

Wouldn't recommend it to anyone !!

This works well in the company

Nothing is going well, you don't get training, all employees leave after a certain time, managers have no idea

This could be improved

Everything must be improved, especially the management...

Translated from German

09 August 2023

Former employee

Super team, long days, good leaders

This works well in the company

I worked as a cashier's assistant for 3 months in Dietlikon and didn't expect what a great team there is. Everyone got along with everyone else and no one was left out. The most important thing at Mediamarkt is selling warranties and insurance in addition to customer service and sales, if you don't...

This could be improved

Please finally chairs at the checkout. Standing all day is so really unnecessary


Media Markt Dietlikon

Neue Winterthurerstrasse 7
8305 Dietlikon


Apprenticeship Employer

Apprenticeship Employer