Company Profile gehört zum Unternehmen Just Eat - ein weltweit führender Essenslieferdienst, der über 94 Millionen aktive Kunden in 20 Ländern bedient. Mit mehr als 17.000 Mitarbeitern, die an mehreren internationalen Standorten arbeiten, unterstützen wir eine Vielzahl von führenden lokalen...

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3.5 ★

Employees (0)

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Others (11)

5 stars3
4 stars5
3 stars0
2 stars1
1 star2

Translated from German

20 April 2018

Current employee

A lot of potential with free space to help shape something is a startup that grows out of its infancy and shows extreme growth. You have to be willing to go with the fast pace. The office landscape is cosy, modern with many amenities. But you have to manage a balancing act between Start Up and Corporate.

Translated from German

07 February 2018

Great business model with extreme potential. With the parent company in the background, there is a lot of international power available. At the same time, however, this can also lead to longer processes and bureaucracy. itself is still surrounded by a start up flair. Young, dynamic team with...

Translated from German

02 June 2020


Never worked at before.

This works well in the company

Punctuality is very good. As a customer I was always satisfied. The food is good and warm.

This could be improved

It does not occur to me what I would improve, have no negative experience with Eat.

Location GmbH

Manessestrasse 85
8045 Zürich