Company Profile

Als führende Anbieterin von Pellet-, Schnitzel- und Stückholzheizungen brennen wir seit über vierzig Jahren für das Heizen mit Holz. Wir bieten ökologische Heizlösungen für das Einfamilienhaus bis zur Grossüberbauung an. Die Heitzmann AG ist ein familiengeführtes Unternehmen mit über 11'000 zufriede...

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Translated from German

26 October 2023

Current employee

Strong team spirit and great appreciation

This works well in the company

With each other - for each other. At Heitzmann, the team spirit is extremely pronounced. I feel the good atmosphere not only in my daily work but also at company events, at the Fyrabigbier or when we organize something privately (lottery, hiking, etc.). Another positive point is the appreciation. M...

This could be improved

If we as employees see potential for improvement, we are taken seriously and suggestions are examined and implemented.

Translated from German

12 January 2022

Current employee

A super team. Generous employer regarding everything

This works well in the company

The company is very innovative. The innovations are implemented by the employees. Because of that, everyone is challenged and encouraged at the same time. It is very exciting.

This could be improved

There is always room for improvement in work processes and structures. This keeps us on our toes.

Translated from German

11 September 2020

Current employee

familiar and flexible working climate

This works well in the company

Detailed introduction to the work. I enjoy working for the family-run and heartfelt company. Strengths of the individual employees are encouraged - we can learn from mistakes. Mixed dynamic and motivated team. Flexible working hours.

This could be improved

Since we are a seasonal business, we cannot take a holiday in autumn. I would like to go to the mountains in autumn.


Heitzmann AG

Gewerbering 5
6105 Schachen LU