Company Profile

Wir sind ein junges Fintech und der führende Spezialist für Hypotheken und Immobilien in der Schweiz. Unseren Kundinnen und Kunden bieten wir mit der Kombination aus persönlicher Beratung, unabhängiger Expertise und wegweisender Technologie umfassende und massgeschneiderte Hypotheken- und Immobilien...

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5.0 ★

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Translated from German

07 June 2018

Current employee

Innovative team, good working atmosphere, great products/services

MoneyPark is a young agile company, which offers special challenges in the breadth as well as in the depth of its tasks. working atmosphere: Complementary team with outstanding personalities. Corners and edges are in demand. Atmosphere hardly describable, but certainly very open & cool. Supervisor...

Translated from German

18 July 2022

Current employee

Young company where there is always something to do

This works well in the company

Good team spirit. There is always something going on. Personal responsibility is written in capital letters.

This could be improved

Communicate even more. Has already been noticeably improved since the change of CEO.


MoneyPark AG

Brandschenkestrasse 30
8001 Zürich