Company Profile

Als führendes Einrichtungshaus an zentralem Ostschweizer Standort haben wir uns in den letzten Jahrzehnten stetig entwickelt und stehen als Leader der Grossregion an der Schwelle zu einem wichtigen Schritt in die Zukunft. Unser Team, bestehend aus 55 motivierten und fachkundigen Mitarbeitenden,...

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Translated from German

28 October 2020

Former employee

Very much potential for improvement

This works well in the company

The working climate is usually very good among the normal working class.

This could be improved

In many areas the employees are completely exhausted because there are not enough personnel. Also the internal communication is more than bad also does not work economically since one must reload or store many articles and other things several times. since there is simply too little personnel and sp...


Möbel Svoboda

Wiler Strasse 47
9536 Schwarzenbach b. Wil