Company Profile

Seit fast 18 Jahren beschäftigen wir uns mit der Personalbeschaffung und kümmern uns um eine nachhaltige Mitarbeiterentwicklung unserer Kunden. Seit 1994 schaffen wir durch unsere vorgeschlagenen Fach- und Führungskräfte bei unseren Kunden einen Wettbewerbsvorteil und einen nachhaltigen Mehrwert....

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3.0 ★

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Others (2)

5 stars1
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2 stars0
1 star1

Translated from German

05 April 2022


You can not do better

This works well in the company

Placement in the field of construction went without a problem. The employees responded to my needs in a professional manner. They discussed with me by phone and in writing which jobs suited me and prepared my documents accordingly. Before and after my interview, I was advised by the staff. Through t...

This could be improved

There is no improvement in the staff for engineering construction

Translated from German

19 November 2021


Mass instead of class

This works well in the company


This could be improved

Attention, this job agency does not place jobs. The only thing it does is send you new (and often unsuitable) job offers from the www every day and offers a one-click application. There is neither an individual selection nor any adaptation of the application documents. This is no way to recruit hig...


bruederlinpartner GmbH

Büntenstrasse 14
6060 Sarnen/OW