Company Profile

Chain IQ Group AG is an independent global service company providing strategic, tactical and operational procurement for its clients. As an international company it offers comprehensive end-to-end procurement solutions for national and international companies. Founded in 2013 Chain IQ operates f...

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Translated from German

01 July 2021

Current employee

Open-door culture & flexible working hours with work-from-home

This works well in the company

very good career & development opportunities; leadership is very present - a lot of emphasis on employees; direct lines of communication;

This could be improved

Benefits & social services already above the minimum - but potential for improvement

Translated from German

20 December 2019

Current employee

A good place to be!

This works well in the company

We are are global company with start up feeling and great potential to grow.

This could be improved

There’re always things we could do better. We work hard that nothing is left.


Chain IQ Group AG

Vulkanstrasse 106
8048 Zürich


Apprenticeship Employer

Apprenticeship Employer