Company Profile

WILLKOMMEN IM WERTSTOFF ZUKUNFT Ihr Entsorgungsdienstleister und Recyclingspezialist für Schrott, Metall, Papier, Karton, Kunststoffe und andere Abfälle. Vier zentrale Werte machen uns zum idealen Partner für Recycling: Service – Erstklassige Dienstleistungen in höchster Qualität Kompetenz –...

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Translated from German

26 October 2018

Current employee

work climate

The workers (Emmen site) are not collegial and there is no fairness. Bullying is an issue. Employers don't look at work well and don't treat it fairly. Further training is offered - that's good. Otherwise there is always an unpleasant climate.

Translated from German

14 May 2019

HR responsible

Dear colleague We would like to respond to this assessment with pleasure, as a good working atmosphere and fair dealings with one another in the company are very important to us. Of course, we can never completely rule out problems among individual employees. We're all human beings. As company manag...


Loacker Swiss AG

Usterstrasse 99
8600 Dübendorf