Company Profile

Der Natur- und Tierparkverein ist ein Naturschutzzentrum und Erholungsraum. Er organisiert Ausstellungen und Führungen, veranstaltet Lager für Kinder und junge Erwachsene und bietet den Besuchenden hautnahe Kontakte mit einheimischen und europäischen Tieren. Er engagiert sich in internationalen Proj...



5.0 ★

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Translated from German

02 February 2023

Current employee

Much more than just a job

This works well in the company

The Goldau Nature and Animal Park is a dream employer. Not only in terms of the environment, but also in terms of the working atmosphere and culture, a place where you feel comfortable and valued. We do not stand still here and are constantly developing. We pull together across departments and are a...

This could be improved

In recent years, a great deal has been invested in the quality of the infrastructure in the park. Our visitors and other zoos are enthusiastic about this. The infrastructure of the workplaces or the topic megatrend "digitalization" is not yet at the quality it could be. This will now be addressed in...


Stiftung Natur- und Tierpark Goldau

Parkstrasse 26
6410 Goldau