Company Profile

Die Ferag AG mit Hauptsitz in Hinwil ZH ist ein Schweizer Familienunternehmen, spezialisiert auf die Entwicklung und Herstellung von intralogistischen Gesamtlösungen sowie Förder- und Verarbeitungssystemen in der grafischen Industrie. Die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten sind vielseitig. Die Materialflusssys...

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Translated from German

27 September 2022

Former employee

Their reputation precedes them.

This works well in the company

Many employees for little work. Therefore, one rarely has time pressure and can look for work.

This could be improved

Completely outdated company. Long-time employees find it difficult to modernize. The company is at least 20 years behind. Company does not comply with applicable laws. Family business, many decisions are not made rationally, but rather by gut feeling.

Translated from German

01 August 2022

Current employee

A great working environment, great colleagues, exciting proj

This works well in the company

You are allowed and expected to take responsibility. There is no better way to develop!

This could be improved

A lot has happened in the last few years. Now the workforce must embrace the fresh wind!




Ferag AG

Zürichstrasse 74
8340 Hinwil ZH