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Thommen-Furler AG

Thommen-Furler AG

Die Thommen-Furler AG wurde 1923 gegründet und hat sich im Verlaufe der letzten 30 Jahren zum schweizerischen Marktleader in der Chemikaliendistribution und der Verwertung und Entsorgung von Sonder- und Industrieabfällen entwi-ckelt. Langjährig und nachhaltig gepflegte Lieferanten- und Partnerbeziehungen, ein breites Produkt- und Dienstleistungs-portfolio, grosszügig ausgebaute Standorte und Infrastrukturen sowie effiziente Anlagen und die vollintegrierte Logistik auf Schiene und Strasse machen die Thommen-Furler AG zum bevorzugten Partner für die schweizerischen Industrie- und Gewerbebetriebe. Die motivierten, gut ausgebildeten und durch ein hohes Qualitätsbewusstsein geprägten Mitarbeiten-den und klar strukturierten und geführten Prozesse werden auch den höchsten und anspruchsvollsten Kundenanforderungen gerecht.

Key information

100 Jahre Thommen-Furler / FUTURA - Gemeinsam Zukunft gestalten
LKW Fahrer/in "Stückgut" bei Thommen-Furler
LKW Fahrer/in Tankwagen bei Thommen-Furler

15 job offers

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9 reviews

Flexible working hours


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Former employeePermanent

22 July 2024

This works well in the company

Moderate salary and moderate vacation are good. Good social benefits. Make an effort in terms of internal development

This could be improved

Better communication . More discussions with employees. The working atmosphere is difficult. There is no room for fun. Unfortunately

Translated from German

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Growing company with potential and some construction sites


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeeFreelance

21 June 2023

This works well in the company

Very modern and progressive in idea and basic concept - but there is a really urgent need for action in some departments. It is high time for sustainable changes.

This could be improved

In certain departments, the staff turnover is enormous and there are above-average absences due to illness within these teams. The reasons for this have long been known, but the problem unfortunately persists, which is more than just a pity. Ultimately, the entire company is at a disadvantage at some point, as this problem causes the source of errors to explode, and this is already becoming apparent due to the declining quality as a service provider and supplier.

Translated from German

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Working relationship based on trust!


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent

01 November 2021

This works well in the company

Open communication, appreciation, room for humor, interesting and educational industry

This could be improved

The various departments operate predominantly in their "Gärtli". Cooperation among them could certainly be strengthened.

Translated from German

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Overall ratings

Based on 9 reviews
5 stars33%4 stars33%3 stars11%2 stars11%1 star11%
  • Management style
  • Salary and benefits
  • Career opportunities
  • Working atmosphere

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