Company Profile

Die SVA Zürich ist das Kompetenzzentrum für Sozialversicherungen im Kanton Zürich. Sie vereint sieben Produkte unter einem Dach: AHV, IV, EO, Zusatzleistungen, Mutterschaftsentschädigung, Familienzulagen und Prämienverbilligung. Dazu kommen weitere Aufgaben für Bund, Kanton und Gemeinden. Unsere...




Employees (0)

Candidates (0)

Others (9)

5 stars4
4 stars0
3 stars0
2 stars1
1 star4

Translated from German

17 November 2018

Current employee

Real involvement and exciting activity

At SVA Zurich, employees are involved and you can contribute ideas, I like that. It's not boring work, there's always something going on and you can look for solutions for the customers. Top!

Translated from German

02 November 2017

Very open and personal atmosphere.

Translated from German

24 May 2019


Friendly, quick and professional recruitment

This works well in the company

Demanding role play to align leadership understanding.

This could be improved

Currently I see no need for improvement, everything top, modern and open.


SVA Zürich

Röntgenstrasse 17
8005 Zürich


Apprenticeship Employer

Apprenticeship Employer