Company Profile

Orderfox is a unique online platform, connecting buyers and suppliers in the CNC industry. Our solution takes the hard work out of finding and gaining access to relevant counterparties, and supports automated quotation workflows to enable and mediate trades without the need for further intermediari...

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24 November 2020

Former employee

Pie in the sky idea

This works well in the company

The software is well designed, some quite clever marketing people around when they are allowed to say their piece

This could be improved

- Senior Management need to be more realistic about the potential for this "brokering platform" - it is not the next google - stop with the shoot the messenger attitude - offer the platform completely for free for at least 3 years until people become reliant on it - Listen to the marketplace - Stop...

Translated from German

04 May 2021

Former employee

Company with a lot of potential, long working days

This works well in the company

Motivation is very high and people are all working for the same cause.... good leaders. A lot is demanded and people are constantly in turbo mode (you definitely have to like that too), but still always room for humour and good team spirit

This could be improved

Onboarding is very brief and limited to a somewhat detailed company presentation. You are more or less thrown in at the deep end. Either invest more time here or offer people the opportunity to prepare themselves before they start their job.



Lavaterstrasse 67
8002 Zürich