Company Profile

We make it clear! Usability testing, user-centered design, user experience, manuals and training: in our work, the user is in the focus. We introduce the user's point of view in the development of your product, business model and end-to-end customer journey to achieve for you a shorter developmen...

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Translated from German

14 February 2020

Current employee

Exciting projects and very good working atmosphere

This works well in the company

Strong focus on content and no profit maximization. There is no chargeability quota for the consultants, as is sometimes the case with other agencies. Overall, the work is a lot of fun and the projects are very diverse. The management stands behind the employees. On the individual projects you alway...

This could be improved

The variance of the order situation could be reduced, but this is not easy. However, it is a fact that the burden on employees can currently vary relatively strongly from month to month. However, overtime is not usually worked systematically.


Die Ergonomen Usability AG

Wallisellenstrasse 301
8050 Zürich