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Translated from German

20 December 2020

Former employee

Hands off!

This works well in the company

- Team cohesion (excluding the management level, of course)

This could be improved

- Huge construction site, toxic work atmosphere. - A lot is expected, but extremely poorly paid. You're not appreciated either. - Saturday work is normal without compensation. - No fixed term trainee contracts, just work without a goal. - Pure exploitation of the workforce

Translated from German

20 December 2020

Former employee

When tradition meets modernisation

This works well in the company

+ Team cohesion (without management level) works well. The cohesion is there, but unfortunately it doesn't feel like the team and the management are pulling in the same direction.

This could be improved

- Toxic working atmosphere - No promotion opportunities - interns are exploited - Extremely unfair compensation - Saturday assignments that are not paid or compensated with vacation days - Overtime culture (without reason) - Partly ethically unacceptable tasks - Lack of digitalization

20 December 2020

Former employee

Schlechter Umgang, niedriger Lohn,unzählige muss-Überstunden

This works well in the company

Leider kann ich hier nichts aufzählen ausser, dass die Firma gut Geld verdient. Dies aber nicht berechtigt!

This could be improved

Der Inhaber sollte lernen, seine Mitarbeiter zu schätzen. Der Umgang mit den Mitarbeitern ist sehr führerisch, ausnutzend und zerstörerisch. Zudem ist der Lohn sehr tief, es wird immer argumentiert, dass die Firma noch ein Startup ist, obwohl die Firma mehrere Millionen verdient, können Sie keine ge...