Company Profile

Die Sersa ist eines der führenden Bahntechnikunternehmen Europas und zählt zur Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group. Weltweit beschäftigt die Gruppe rund 2'600 Mitarbeitende in acht Ländern auf drei Kontinenten. Sie ist eine kompetente Partnerin, wenn es um den Bau und Unterhalt von wirtschaftlichen und innova...

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3.5 ★

Employees (0)

Candidates (0)

Others (6)

5 stars2
4 stars2
3 stars0
2 stars1
1 star1

Translated from German

01 December 2018

Current employee

Poorer handling of personnel

Man's just a number in the company. Permanent migration of good professionals slowly only second choice personnel in the company special in effretikon

Translated from German

01 March 2021

Current employee


This works well in the company

Colleague cohesion, but even that, the manager kaput!!!

This could be improved

Very difficult! As long as the division manager and the managing director work at Sersatechnik, I would advise against anything coming into this company.

Translated from German

29 May 2019

Current employee

Good work Climate and team work

This works well in the company

Collaboration, Workgroup, At the command of the group leader, Fast and orderly work, etc.

This could be improved

Cooperation, Punctual, Participate, Cautious, Reliable, And Responsible, Done he always carefully and responsibly And Usw.


Sersa Group AG (Schweiz)

Würzgrabenstrasse 5
8048 Zürich